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    Construction Expert Witness Builders Information
    Forensic architect expert witness Forensic architect expert witness Roofing membrane expert witness Fort Yukon Alaska Alaska Alaska, Alaska

    Alaska Builders Right To Repair Current Law Summary:

    Current Law Summary: HB151 limits the damages that can be awarded in a construction defect lawsuit to the actual cost of fixing the defect and other closely related costs such as reasonable temporary housing expenses during the repair of the defect, any reduction in market value cause by the defect, and reasonable and necessary attorney fees.

    Construction Expert Witness Contractors Licensing
    Guidelines Forensic architect expert witness Forensic architect expert witness Roofing membrane expert witness Fort Yukon Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska

    Commercial and Residential Contractors License Required

    Construction Expert Witness Contractors Building Industry
    Association Directory
    Southern Southeast Alaska Building Industry Association
    Local # 0240
    PO Box 6291
    Ketchikan, AK 99901

    Northern Southeast Alaska Building Industry Association
    Local # 0225
    9085 Glacier Highway Ste 202
    Juneau, AK 99801

    Kenai Peninsula Builders Association
    Local # 0233
    PO Box 1753
    Kenai, AK 99611

    Home Builders Association of Alaska
    Local # 0200
    8301 Schoon St Ste 200
    Anchorage, AK 99518

    Home Builders Association of Anchorage
    Local # 0215
    8301 Schoon St Ste 200
    Anchorage, AK 99518

    Mat-Su Home Builders Association
    Local # 0230
    Wasilla, AK 99654

    Interior Alaska Builders Association
    Local # 0235
    938 Aspen Street
    Fairbanks, AK 99709

    Construction Expert Witness News and Information
    For Forensic architect expert witness Forensic architect expert witness Roofing membrane expert witness Fort Yukon Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska

    Motion to Strike Insurer's Expert Opinion Granted

    Contractors Can No Longer Make Roof Repairs Following Their Own Inspections

    Contractor Sues Construction Defect Claimants for Defamation

    Construction Employment Rises in Half of the States

    Los Angeles Construction Sites May Be on Fault Lines

    Parks and Degradation: The Mess at Yosemite

    A Landlord’s Guide to California’s New Statewide Rent Control Laws

    Urban Retrofits, Tall Buildings, and Sustainability

    9th Circuit Plumbs Through the Federal and State False Claims Acts

    Partners Patti Santelle and Gale White honored by as "Top Women in Law" The Legal Intelligencer

    Denver Condo Development Increasing, with Caution

    When is a Contract not a Contract?

    Gilbert’s Plan for Downtown Detroit Has No Room for Jail

    Shea Homes CEO Receives Hearthstone Builder Humanitarian Award

    Performance Bond Primer: Need to Knows and Need to Dos

    Colorado Supreme Court to Hear Colorado Pool Systems, Inc. v. Scottsdale Insurance Company, et al.

    Just Because You Label It A “Trade Secret” Does Not Make It A “Trade Secret”

    Is the Sky Actually Falling (on Green Building)?

    Wes Payne Receives Defense Attorney of the Year Award

    Indemnity Provision Provides Relief to Contractor; Additional Insured Provision Does Not

    Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s Ruling On Certificates Of Merit And “Gist Of Action” May Make It More Difficult For An Architect Or Engineer To Seek An Early Dismissal

    Covenant of Good Faith and Fair Dealing Applied to Pass-Through Agreements

    Bert L. Howe & Associates Brings Professional Development Series to Their Houston Office

    AAA Revises Construction Industry Arbitration Rules and Mediation Procedures

    Irvine Partner Cinnamon J. Carr and Associate Brittney H. Aquino Prevail on Summary Judgment

    What Counts as Adequate Opportunity to Cure?

    Flood Policy Does Not Cover Debris Removal from Property

    Massachusetts SJC Clarifies “Strict Compliance” Standard in Construction Contracts

    Congratulations 2019 DE, NJ and PA Super Lawyers and Rising Stars

    Restrictions On Out-Of-State Real Estate Brokers Being Challenged In Nevada

    Truck Hits Warning Beam That Falls, Kills Motorist at Las Vegas Bridge Project

    West Coast Casualty Promises Exciting Line Up at the Nineteenth Annual Conference

    Handling Construction Defect Claims – New Edition Released

    Couple Sues for Construction Defects in Manufactured Home

    Trends: “Nearshoring” Opportunities for the Construction Industry

    Ohio Condo Owners Sue Builder, Alleging Construction Defects

    Just Decided – New Jersey Supreme Court: Insurers Can Look To Extrinsic Evidence To Deny a Defense

    Why Insurers and Their Attorneys Need to Pay Close Attention to Their Discovery Burden in Washington

    New Orleans Terror Attack Lawsuit Targets Engineer Mott MacDonald, Contractor and City

    Insurer Defends Denial in Property Coverage Dispute Involving Marijuana Growing Operations

    Construction Litigation Roundup: “This Is Sufficient for Your Purposes …”

    Construction Professionals Could Face More Liability Exposure Following California Appellate Ruling

    Insurer's Motion for Summary Judgment to Reject Collapse Coverage Denied

    California’s Right To Repair Act Is The Sole Remedy For Damages For Construction Defects In New Residential Construction

    FBI Makes Arrest Related to Saipan Casino Construction

    Seattle’s Tallest Tower Said Readying to Go On the Market

    Fatal Boston Garage Demolition Leaves Long Road to Recovery

    Property Damage, Occurrences, Delays, Offsets and Fees. California Decision is a Smorgasbord of Construction Insurance Issues

    Contractor’s Burden When It Comes to Delay

    Los Angeles Seeks Speedier Way to Build New Affordable Homes
    Corporate Profile


    Drawing from more than 4500 building and construction related expert designations, the Forensic architect expert witness Forensic architect expert witness Roofing membrane expert witness Fort Yukon Alaska Alaska Alaska, Alaska Construction Expert Directory provides a wide spectrum of trial support and consulting services to attorneys and construction practice groups seeking effective resolution of construction defect, scheduling, and delay matters. BHA provides building claims investigation, testimony, and support services to the construction industry's most recognized companies, legal professionals, Fortune 500 builders, CGL carriers, owners, as well as a variety of state and local government agencies. Utilizing in house assets which include building envelope and design experts, forensic engineers, forensic architects, and construction cost and scheduling consultants, the firm brings national experience and local capabilities to Forensic architect expert witness Forensic architect expert witness Roofing membrane expert witness Fort Yukon Alaska Alaska Alaska and the surrounding areas.

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    Construction Expert Witness News & Info
    Forensic architect expert witness Forensic architect expert witness Roofing membrane expert witness Fort Yukon Alaska Alaska Alaska, Alaska

    Top 10 Take-Aways from the 2025 Mid-Winter Meeting in Tampa

    February 12, 2025 —
    The ABA Forum on Construction Law convened last week in Tampa, Florida for its Mid-Winter Meeting. This year's program was focused on owners and developers. Kudos to Jessica Courtway, Joel Heard, Keith Bergeron, and Tom Dunn for putting together an insightful slate of plenaries and activities. While it would be impossible to sum up everything I learned, below are my top 10 take-aways. 10. Dispute Review Boards are not just for public infrastructure projects. Usually comprised of a mix of 1-3 industry professionals, a Dispute Review Board ("DRB") can be implemented at the inception of construction projects to help quickly resolve disputes or, better yet, avoid them entirely. DRBs have been steadily gaining in popularity since their inception in the late 1970s. While used widely on large, publicly funded infrastructure projects, DRBs have yet to be fully embraced by the private sector. I moderated a panel comprised of Bill Franczek and Deb Mastin about the value DRBs can bring to complex, time-critical projects. At least one case study done by the Florida Department of Transportation suggests that the incidence of both time and cost overruns on projects that used a DRB were significantly less compared to projects that did not. While owners will need to build in a budget for the DRB members' fees, that expense is a small fraction of the total project cost and (much like the cost of a good insurance program) pale in comparison to the litigation costs which they could help avoid. And, since DRBs ensure contractors will have access to a dispute resolution process that is less owner-biased than the default situation (where the architect or government official serves as initial decision maker) some contractors have even expressed a willingness to lower their bid where an owner is willing to adopt a DRB for their project. Read the full story...
    Reprinted courtesy of Marissa L. Downs, Laurie & Brennan, LLP
    Ms. Downs may be contacted at

    New Mexico Holds One-Sided Dispute Resolution Provisions Are Unenforceable

    November 05, 2024 —
    Dispute resolution provisions that grant one party the unilateral right to choose either litigation or arbitration to resolve disputes are common in the construction industry. The main difference between the two forums is that courts are more likely to strictly enforce contract terms as written as well as the applicable law, while arbitrators make decisions on more equitable considerations, untethered to the contract terms and—to some degree—the law. The party with the sole discretion to select the dispute resolution procedure can select the process most beneficial to its interests based on the nature of the dispute, regardless of who brings the claims. In Atlas Electrical Construction, Inc. v. Flintco, LLC, 550 P.3d 881 (N.M. Ct. App. 2024), the Court of Appeals of New Mexico recently held that an arbitration provision in a subcontract, under which the contractor retained the exclusive right to choose whether disputes arising under the subcontract were litigated in court or arbitrated was unreasonably one-sided, substantively unconscionable, and unenforceable. The Atlas Electrical case involved two sophisticated entities with equal bargaining strength to negotiate the terms of a subcontract. The parties agreed to a subcontract provision which provided in the relevant part:
    In the event [contractor] and [subcontractor] cannot resolve the dispute through direct discussions or mediation … then the dispute shall, at the sole discretion of [contractor], be decided either by submission to (a) arbitration … or (b) litigation …
    Read the full story...
    Reprinted courtesy of Bill Wilson, Robinson & Cole LLP
    Mr. Wilson may be contacted at

    America’s Factories Weren’t Built to Endure This Many Hurricanes

    November 05, 2024 —
    America’s factories aren’t built for the current cascade of extreme weather events. Dozens of industrial sites were in the zone of impact as Hurricane Milton slammed into Florida’s West Coast this week, including several concrete plants, speed boat manufacturing operations and facilities owned by Honeywell International Inc., Johnson Controls International Plc, General Electric Co. and Illinois Tool Works Inc., among others. Meanwhile, a Baxter International Inc. facility in Marion, North Carolina, that makes 60% of the intravenous fluids used in hospitals around the country was shuttered because of damage from Hurricane Helene just two weeks ago. Mines responsible for producing more than 80% of the world’s supply of commercial high-purity quartz in nearby Spruce Pine were also affected by severe flooding, raising the risk of disruptions to semiconductor production, which relies on the material. Read the full story...
    Reprinted courtesy of Brooke Sutherland, Bloomberg

    New York Construction Practice Team Obtains Summary Judgment and Dismissal of Labor Law Claims

    October 01, 2024 —
    New York, N.Y. (August 23, 2024) – In Trujillo-Cruz v. City of New York, et al., New York Partner Inderjit Dhami, a member of New York Partner Meghan A. Cavalieri’s Construction Practice Team, recently obtained summary judgment and dismissal of the plaintiff's Labor Law §240(1), §241(6) and §200 claims dismissing the entire case against national developer and construction company clients. The plaintiff alleged to have sustained injuries as the result of a construction site accident occurring on July 11, 2018, while in the scope of his employment as a laborer in connection with the construction/renovation of a residential apartment building in Brooklyn, New York. Specifically, the plaintiff alleged that he was injured when he was coming down from a ladder and fell on a 2”x 4”, causing him disabling injuries. The plaintiffs’ counsel articulated a $3 million settlement demand. Labor Law §240(1) imposes absolute liability on a defendant where an injured worker engaged in the performance of covered construction work establishes that a safety device proved inadequate to shield him from elevation-related harm, and that the defendant’s failure to provide an adequate safety device proximately caused the injuries alleged. The plaintiff first testified that he stepped on the 2” x 4” after he came down off of the ladder, but his counsel then prompted him to recalibrate his testimony by asking whether the accident arose when he was coming down the ladder or after he had come down off of the ladder. The plaintiff changed his testimony, alleging that the accident arose as he was coming down the ladder and that he remained partially on the ladder when he stepped on the piece of formwork and fell. Inderjit argued that the plaintiff’s reframing of his deposition testimony was immaterial for purposes of the Labor Law § 240 (1) analysis. Irrespective of whether the plaintiff was on solid ground or had one foot on the ladder at the time of the occurrence, his Labor Law § 240 (1) claim was unavailing in that the accident did not arise as a result of the type of extraordinary elevation-related peril protected by Labor Law § 240 (1). Justice Maslow agreed and dismissed the plaintiff’s Labor Law § 240 (1) claims. Read the full story...
    Reprinted courtesy of Lewis Brisbois

    Understanding Insurance Disputes in Construction Defect Litigation: A Review of Acuity v. Kinsale

    December 17, 2024 —
    Construction projects are inherently complex, and insurance coverage plays a crucial role in managing risks, especially when unforeseen issues arise. The case of Acuity v. Kinsale demonstrates the tangled web of insurance obligations, especially when multiple insurers provide coverage for a single event. This case, involving Monarch Stucco, Inc., Acuity, and Kinsale Insurance Company, sheds light on the challenges that contractors, subcontractors, and insurers may face when disputes over liability and coverage occur. The Background of the Case At the heart of this dispute lies a construction defect at a retirement community project in Lakewood, Colorado. Monarch Stucco, Inc. (“Monarch”), a subcontractor hired by GH Phipps Construction Company (“Phipps”), was responsible for stucco work on the project. Unfortunately, defects in the building’s envelope system, particularly Monarch’s stucco work, led to significant damage and costly repairs. Read the full story...
    Reprinted courtesy of David M. McLain, Higgins, Hopkins, McLain & Roswell, LLC
    Mr. McLain may be contacted at

    Toolbox Talk Series Recap - The New Science of Jury Trial Advocacy

    December 31, 2024 —
    In the November 21, 2024 edition of Division 1's Toolbox Talk Series, John Jerry Glas discussed how construction lawyers should adjust their trial strategies in response to shifts in juror attitudes. Glas believes that jurors have changed in the last twenty years, with modern jurors being more reluctant than ever to be seen as a lawyer’s puppet. Instead, they simply want a lawyer to help them organize and wade through evidence without spinning it and without spoon-feeding it. Essentially, Glas believes that lawyers achieve better jury trial results if they acknowledge the paradigm shift in jury psychology and reinvent themselves in response by influencing jury deliberations without directly telling a jury what to do. Glas refers to this as the “Waiter Pivot” and recently published a book on the topic. Throughout his presentation, Glas discussed how construction lawyers can embrace the Waiter Pivot throughout a jury trial:
    • Voir Dire: Lawyers make their first impressions on a jury during voir dire. As such, lawyers should avoid questions that make jurors feel judged or stereotyped. Instead, give the jurors credit and make use of the opportunity to begin framing their case. For example, Glas once repeated the word “specifications” or “specs” in every question during voir dire where his product liability case turned on whether or not the product deviated from specifications.
    Read the full story...
    Reprinted courtesy of Douglas J. Mackin, Cozen O’Connor
    Mr. Mackin may be contacted at

    Know Your Burden of Proof in an Insurance Coverage Dispute Dealing With an All Risk Policy

    February 12, 2025 —
    Understanding your burden of proof is vital. The burden of proof goes to what a party NEEDS to prove to satisfy or prove the claims or defenses asserted. It’s need-to-know when litigating and trying a case (whether in court or arbitration). The insurance coverage dispute of Valer v. Citizens Property Insurance Corp., 50 Fla.L.Weekly D126a (Fla. 3d DCA 2025), discusses an insured and insurer’s burden of proof in an insurance coverage dispute with an all risk property insurance policy, which is a property insurance policy that covers all losses except those losses that are excluded in the policy. Read the full story...
    Reprinted courtesy of David Adelstein, Kirwin Norris, P.A.
    Mr. Adelstein may be contacted at

    Recovering Time and Costs from Hurricane Helene: Force Majeure Solutions for Contractors

    November 18, 2024 —
    When Hurricane Helene struck North Carolina, it caused severe disruptions to construction projects across the state. Baxter International’s North Cove facility in Marion, N.C., was completely shut down after floodwaters damaged the site and bridges leading to it. Elsewhere, landslides and floods wiped out large sections of Interstate 40, making transportation of materials and equipment nearly impossible. Many contractors in western North Carolina found their projects halted, and their schedules thrown off by this force majeure event. In situations like these, contractors and subcontractor need a plan to mitigate the impact of such natural disasters on their projects. Here are five practical tips to help you secure time extensions and/or compensation for delays: 1. Include a Robust Force Majeure Clause in Your Contract When disaster strikes, your contract is your first line of defense. A well-drafted force majeure clause can make the difference between bearing the costs yourself and getting an extension or compensation. The clause should clearly list specific events such as hurricanes, floods, and road closures as qualifying force majeure events. Read the full story...
    Reprinted courtesy of Matthew DeVries, Buchalter
    Mr. DeVries may be contacted at