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    Construction Expert Witness Builders Information
    Forensic architect expert witness Roofing membrane expert witness Fort Yukon Alaska Alaska, Alaska

    Alaska Builders Right To Repair Current Law Summary:

    Current Law Summary: HB151 limits the damages that can be awarded in a construction defect lawsuit to the actual cost of fixing the defect and other closely related costs such as reasonable temporary housing expenses during the repair of the defect, any reduction in market value cause by the defect, and reasonable and necessary attorney fees.

    Construction Expert Witness Contractors Licensing
    Guidelines Forensic architect expert witness Roofing membrane expert witness Fort Yukon Alaska Alaska Alaska

    Commercial and Residential Contractors License Required

    Construction Expert Witness Contractors Building Industry
    Association Directory
    Southern Southeast Alaska Building Industry Association
    Local # 0240
    PO Box 6291
    Ketchikan, AK 99901

    Northern Southeast Alaska Building Industry Association
    Local # 0225
    9085 Glacier Highway Ste 202
    Juneau, AK 99801

    Kenai Peninsula Builders Association
    Local # 0233
    PO Box 1753
    Kenai, AK 99611

    Home Builders Association of Alaska
    Local # 0200
    8301 Schoon St Ste 200
    Anchorage, AK 99518

    Home Builders Association of Anchorage
    Local # 0215
    8301 Schoon St Ste 200
    Anchorage, AK 99518

    Mat-Su Home Builders Association
    Local # 0230
    Wasilla, AK 99654

    Interior Alaska Builders Association
    Local # 0235
    938 Aspen Street
    Fairbanks, AK 99709

    Construction Expert Witness News and Information
    For Forensic architect expert witness Roofing membrane expert witness Fort Yukon Alaska Alaska Alaska

    Should I Stay or Should I Go? The Supreme Court Says “Stay”

    Trial Date Discussed for Las Vegas HOA Takeover Case

    Counterpoint: Washington Supreme Court to Rule on Resulting Losses in Insurance Disputes

    Labor Intensive

    Construction Mediation Tips for Practitioners and 'Eyes Only' Tips for Construction Mediators

    Major Change to Residential Landlord Tenant Law

    A General Contractors Guide to Bond Thresholds by State

    Man Pleads Guilty in Construction Kickback Scheme

    Restaurant Wants SCOTUS to Dust Off Eleventh Circuit’s “Physical Loss” Ruling

    Quick Note: Attorney’s Fees and the Significant Issues Test

    Unjust Enrichment and Express Contract Don’t Mix

    Nevada Bill Aims to Reduce Legal Fees For Construction Defect Practitioners

    Insurer Granted Summary Judgment on Denial of Construction Defect Claim

    Unfair Risk Allocation on Design-Build Projects

    Covenant of Good Faith and Fair Dealing Applied to Pass-Through Agreements

    A Court-Side Seat: SCOTUS Clarifies Alien Tort Statute and WOTUS Is Revisited

    Federal District Court Addresses Material Misrepresentation in First Party Property Damage Claim

    Attorney Writing Series on Misconceptions over Construction Defects

    Dealing with Abandoned Property After Foreclosure

    Are Defense Costs In Addition to Policy Limits?

    Housing Starts Plunge by the Most in Four Years

    Examining Best Practices for Fire Protection of Critical Systems in Buildings

    Just Decided – New Jersey Supreme Court: Insurers Can Look To Extrinsic Evidence To Deny a Defense

    How to Drop a New Building on Top of an Old One

    Are Housing Prices Poised to Fall in Denver?

    EPA Looks to Reduce Embodied Carbon in Materials With $160M in Grants

    How to Prepare for Potential Construction Disputes Resulting From COVID-19

    Flushing Away Liability: What the Aqua Engineering Case Means for Contractors and Subcontractors

    Drafting a Contractual Arbitration Provision

    Administration Seeks To Build New FBI HQ on Current D.C. Site

    Traub Lieberman Attorneys Recognized as 2020 Super Lawyers and Rising Stars

    California Department of Corrections Gets Hit With the Prison Bid Protest Blues

    Safe Harbors- not just for Sailors anymore (or, why advance planning can prevent claims of defective plans & specs) (law note)

    Sometimes you Need to Consider the Coblentz Agreement

    Power Point Presentation on Nautilus v. Lexington Case

    Professional Services Exclusion Bars Coverage After Carbon Monoxide Leak

    Dump Site Provider Has Valid Little Miller Act Claim

    Walking the Tightrope of SB 35

    California Contractor Tests the Bounds of Job Order Contracting

    In a Win for Property Owners California Court Expands and Clarifies Privette Doctrine

    A Place to Study Eternity: Building the Giant Magellan Telescope

    Cincinnati Goes Green

    Hammer & Hand’s Top Ten Predictions for US High Performance Building in 2014

    Superior Court Of Pennsylvania Holds Curb Construction Falls Within The Scope Of CASPA

    A Recap of the Supreme Court’s 2019 Summer Slate

    Endorsement to Insurance Policy Controls

    "Abrupt Falling Down of Building or Part of Building" as Definition of Collapse Found Ambiguous

    Court Holds That Insurance Producer Cannot Be Liable for Denial of COVID-19 Business Interruption Claim

    Failing to Release A Mechanics Lien Can Destroy Your Construction Business

    Zell Says Homeownership Rate to Fall as Marriages Delayed
    Corporate Profile


    Through over 4500 general contracting and design related expert designations, the Forensic architect expert witness Roofing membrane expert witness Fort Yukon Alaska Alaska, Alaska Construction Expert Directory provides a single point of reference for construction defect and claims related support to builders and construction practice groups seeking effective resolution of construction defect, scheduling, and delay matters. BHA provides building claims and trial support services to the building industry's most recognizable companies, insurers, risk managers, and a variety of municipalities. Utilizing captive assets which comprise construction standard of care consultants, registered architects, professional engineers, and credentialed building envelope experts, the firm brings national experience and local capabilities to Forensic architect expert witness Roofing membrane expert witness Fort Yukon Alaska Alaska and the surrounding areas.

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    Construction Expert Witness News & Info
    Forensic architect expert witness Roofing membrane expert witness Fort Yukon Alaska Alaska, Alaska

    “Over? Did you say ‘over’?”

    December 31, 2024 —
    The United States Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals recently held that under the Federal Arbitration Act, an arbitrator – and not a court – is to determine the preclusive effect of an arbitrator’s earlier ruling. In the case, insurers engaged in three reinsurance agreements had previously arbitrated concerning one of the insurer’s billing methodologies. When a similar dispute occurred years later, the victors in the first arbitration – rather than pursuing arbitration – filed in federal court in Chicago seeking to have the court declare that the prior arbitration award precluded re-arbitration of the latest dispute. The insurer on the other side of the dispute moved to compel arbitration, a motion granted by the district court. The plaintiff insurers appealed. Read the full story...
    Reprinted courtesy of Daniel Lund III, Phelps
    Mr. Lund may be contacted at

    Is the Construction Industry Actually a Technology Hotbed?

    August 19, 2024 —
    Technology has always been a driving force behind progress, and the construction industry is no exception. Over the years, technological advancements have revolutionized the way companies design, plan and build structures, leading to increased efficiency, safety and sustainability. From virtual-reality simulations to drones and 3D printing, technology has transformed every aspect of the construction process. However, the construction trades still lag behind other sectors in adoption of digital technologies. With a lack of skilled labor continuing to be an impediment to growth and profitability in the construction industry, technological developments could have significant implications for successful adopters. Already, the industry is seeing a huge difference in valuation between traditional engineering and construction firms and construction software companies. As labor shortages continue to hinder growth in the industry, consolidation is likely, as is the probability that companies with the greatest tech capabilities will be the most highly valued. There are several areas of technology that are of the greatest interest in the current marketplace. BIM Building information modeling with computer-aided design software now allows architects and engineers to create detailed and accurate 3D models of buildings and infrastructure projects, integrating data about every aspect of the building, from materials and costs to energy efficiency and maintenance schedules. These models not only help in visualizing the final product; they also enable better communication and collaboration among project stakeholders. Reprinted courtesy of Andrew Silver, Construction Executive, a publication of Associated Builders and Contractors. All rights reserved. Read the full story...

    Edison Utility Accused of Igniting LA Fire in Lawsuits

    January 21, 2025 —
    Edison International Inc.’s southern California utility faces lawsuits blaming the energy provider’s equipment for igniting one of the wildfires still raging in the second-largest US metropolis. The first of several suits filed Monday was brought on behalf of a group of homeowners, renters, business owners and others with properties destroyed by the deadly Eaton Fire in the Pasadena area. The complaints allege that Southern California Edison power lines were the cause of the blaze that leveled the community of Altadena. The initial suits are expected to be followed by thousands more legal claims. Reprinted courtesy of Jef Feeley, Bloomberg, Mark Chediak, Bloomberg and Malathi Nayak, Bloomberg Read the full story...

    Real Estate & Construction News Roundup (8/6/24) – Construction Tech Deals Surge, Senators Reintroduce Housing Bill, and Nonresidential Spending Drops

    September 16, 2024 —
    In our latest roundup, cybersecurity attacks target contractors, U.S. banks report weaker profits, additional commercial real estate is distressed, and more!
    • Spending dropped in almost half of nonresidential subcategories in June, with the decrease stemming from higher interest rates, tighter credit conditions and a softening economy. (Sebastian Obando, Construction Dive)
    • Despite the decline in investment dollars for construction technology, the number of deals surged by 18% year-over-year, indicating sustained interest and activity in the sector. (Sebastian Obando, Construction Dive)
    • As cybersecurity attacks on U.S.-based businesses ramp up, general contractors are not immune. (Jen A. Miller, Construction Dive)
    Read the full story...
    Reprinted courtesy of Pillsbury's Construction & Real Estate Law Team

    Employees in Construction Industry Entitled to Compensation for Time Spent Complying with Employer-Mandated Security Protocols

    August 19, 2024 —
    Wage and hour laws dictating how employers must compensate their employees for time worked can, given the innumerable ways that employees perform their jobs, raise a number of questions. The next case, Huerta v. CSI Electrical Contractors, 15 Cal.5th 908 (2024) – which I won’t spend a lot of time discussing since I think it applies in somewhat limited situations – addresses whether employees are entitled to be paid while waiting to enter and exit worksites and for meal periods when they are not allowed to exit a worksite. The Huerta Case The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals requested that the California Supreme Court address three questions related to whether employees should be compensated under California wage and hour laws for time spent waiting to enter and exit worksites and for meal periods when they are not allowed to exit a worksite:
    1. Whether employees should be paid for time spent waiting in a personal vehicle to be scanned in and out of a worksite;
    2. Whether employees should be paid for time spent traveling in a personal vehicle from a security gate to employee parking lots; and
    3. Whether employees should be paid during meal periods if they are not permitted to leave a worksite.
    Read the full story...
    Reprinted courtesy of Garret Murai, Nomos LLP
    Mr. Murai may be contacted at

    Choice of Law Provisions in Construction Contracts

    October 07, 2024 —
    If you have used a ConsensusDocs® construction agreement or another industry association construction agreement for one of your projects, you are accustomed to seeing the laws of the state where the construction project is located as the governing law. There are good reasons for the laws of the state where the project is located to govern the construction agreement for the project. Even if not headquartered in the state, the parties have a presence there by virtue of their participation in the project in the state. Personnel and records that may be needed to resolve a claim may be located in the state. If there are experts that need to be engaged, they will likely need to visit the site. These reasons of efficiency and convenience, alone, may justify the parties’ decision to select the project state’s laws to govern their construction contract. However, there is also the policy interest of the project state, whose laws may even mandate that the project state’s laws govern construction contracts for in-state projects and that the parties resolve their disputes in state as well. Several states have laws that require construction disputes for projects in the state to be resolved under its laws and/or litigated or arbitrated in the state. Some states require only that its laws govern and do not also require that the dispute resolution take place in the state, but some require both – that its laws govern and the disputes be resolved there. There may be different triggers as to when the statute applies. For example, in some states, the statute applies to any construction contract for a project in the state. In others, the law may only be triggered if one of the parties is domiciled in the state. Read the full story...
    Reprinted courtesy of Victoria Davies, Jones Walker LLP
    Ms. Davies may be contacted at

    Oracle Sues Procore, Claims Theft of Trade Secrets for ERP Integration

    November 25, 2024 —
    Oracle, Inc., has sued Procore in federal court in Northern California, accusing the construction management platform provider of stealing confidential information related to developing enterprise resource planning products for contractors. Read the full story...
    Reprinted courtesy of Jeff Yoders, ENR
    Mr. Yoders may be contacted at

    Las Vegas Stadium for Athletics, Now $1.75B Project, Gains Key OK

    December 31, 2024 —
    Construction start of a new stadium in Las Vegas to host the former Oakland, Calif.-based Athletics Major League Baseball team gained a key approval on Dec. 5, with the municipal stadium authority unanimously greenlighting the now $1.75-billion facility. Read the full story...
    Reprinted courtesy of Doug Puppel, ENR