California Builders Right To Repair Current Law Summary:
Current Law Summary: SB800 (codified as Civil Code §§895, et seq) is the most far-reaching, complex law regulating construction defect litigation, right to repair, warranty obligations and maintenance requirements transference in the country. In essence, to afford protection against frivolous lawsuits, builders shall do all the following:A homeowner is obligated to follow all reasonable maintenance obligations and schedules communicated in writing to the homeowner by the builder and product manufacturers, as well as commonly accepted maintenance practices. A failure by a homeowner to follow these obligations, schedules, and practices may subject the homeowner to the affirmative defenses.A builder, under the principles of comparative fault pertaining to affirmative defenses, may be excused, in whole or in part, from any obligation, damage, loss, or liability if the builder can demonstrate any of the following affirmative defenses in response to a claimed violation:
Construction Expert Witness Contractors Licensing
Guidelines Anaheim California
Commercial and Residential Contractors License Required.
Construction Expert Witness Contractors Building Industry
Association Directory
Local # 0532
77570 Springfield Ln Ste E
Palm Desert, CA 92211
Building Industry Association Southern California - Riverside County Chapter
Local # 0532
3891 11th St Ste 312
Riverside, CA 92501
Building Industry Association Southern California
Local # 0532
17744 Sky Park Circle Suite 170
Irvine, CA 92614
Building Industry Association Southern California - Orange County Chapter
Local # 0532
17744 Skypark Cir Ste 170
Irvine, CA 92614
Building Industry Association Southern California - Baldy View Chapter
Local # 0532
8711 Monroe Ct Ste B
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
Building Industry Association Southern California - LA/Ventura Chapter
Local # 0532
28460 Ave Stanford Ste 240
Santa Clarita, CA 91355
Building Industry Association Southern California - Building Industry Association of S Ca Antelope Valley
Local # 0532
44404 16th St W Suite 107
Lancaster, CA 93535
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